Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gong Gong's Leg..

gonggong hurted his leg.he slipped his bowl off the table to his feet.the pieces of broken clay cut his leg..

i was lying on mum's bed,wanted to take a nap..suddenly i heard *ping-pliang*..gonggong was alone downstairs.i turned around,looking at sis,shocked,duno wat to do.sis rushed down,den i followed.gonggong was sitting on his chair,look abit scared too..i saw blood keep flowing out his leg.alot alot of blood.he din know wat to do.sis's afraid of blood.i know i got to do something..!!i tore a big,long piece of toilet paper,wiped away his blood around his leg.the blood cant stop flowing out.i was very worry.tears almost flow out my eyes..i kept tearing and tearing tissue paper to help stop the blood.gonggong has diabetes.im worry tat he's leg will be cut off or anytin happen tat will destroy his life.im worry..worry..very worry..keep praying for him.sis started her car,den we took gonggong to the clinic.blood stopped bleeding not long after~praise the Lord,he's fine(: he dont need to cut his leg off.hahaha...happy!


it's almost A MONTH i shop at all..it's really quite a big breakthrough.went shopping with sis in TimesSquare on Sunday and Monday,two whole days.was very very tired,but regained my energy.it's really happy seeing cheap and beautiful clothing there.bought quite alot.happy!!spent whole day shopping for Sunday.after shopping went yam-cha with Billy,Hong,and Yung.wow,it's really very tiring,i even jog around with them later at DesaParkCity.took quite alot of pictures with them.Yung is really funny.he's Billy's cousin,*i think* he's around 15,looks a little round.every words came out frm his mouth is 70% funny.can never hide my teeth with BIG SMILE from him.Monday went whole day shopping and karaoke.seriously,it's really seriously,i have not been two karaoke since six.Rm5 ONLY for karaoke+buffet lunch :D tmr going to a youth camp.very excited,cant wait for the Words of God through speakers and activities.


posted during shopping..

Desa Park City with friends



Thursday, August 20, 2009

happy...!sha la la la..

praise the Lord for today!i had a very enjoyable and good day.feel moody early in morning.poor phone alarm had been ringing,trying its best to wake me up frm 5am..and finally at 6,i opened up my eyes,roll down my bed,climb myself onto my chair,opened up my Hist&Geo book,and START MY REVISION.

at school,we had our free activity till 10.30am today.din go for sports,bcs of the heavy haze.lie awhile on my table and start my revision again.of cos,i dont have a boring revision,friends keep coming over to disturb me.some took my pencil away,some keep talking nonsense to keep me away frm books,some danced,and some even tempted me for UNO game(which i think i cant resist)..they're so lovely(:(:

after school,felt quite uncomfortable.felt bit dizzy,wanted to vomit.took some rest..and mum suddenly ringed me.i thought it was my alarm waking me up in the morning..i was like,"oh no!im going to be late for school!!!'' i turned around,searching for my phone which is hidden under me,answered mum's call and finally realize,it's not a morning but evening..haha..i continued with my slp till 5pm.woke up,get myself prepared for CoffeeBeans and den....duh..i reached CoffeeBeans.

wanted to eat lasagna,but,TamPuiYuk is there!argh...he's forcing me to try something i dont want again..he wanted to teach me to make everything(if possible) before he leave(he's resigning).aiyor...
he said : "okay,today i'l teach Gourmet.Come,make me a scrambled salmon with egg."
i said : "okay"
he said : first cut the bread,beat the eat,cube the salmon,etc...........(very long,even longer than my grand ma)
i said : Done,nah...for you,with extra salmon..
he said : want to try Egg Bens today??
i said : Noooh,i wan lasagna(:
he said : but,i want to teach you the way to make EggsBen....
i said : No pls,i wan lasagna.
he NAGGED : try Eggs Ben la..it tastes good..
i said : tomorrow?
he said : nope.
i said (cant stand him) : okay lahhh..

p/s: i learned to make another two food for today,but i din get to eat the salmon scrambled with eggs!!TamPuiYuk ate it!!and i only get to eat the egg with ham=EggsBen....nevertheless,im very happy,because i have such a cute *si-fu*...he's naggy,he's serious in work,but he did alot of funny,stupid yet meaningful thing for his crush(a girl working with us in C.B.) we worked very happily today.keep laughing frm the beginning to the end..we see customers of different backgrounds.some have very weird style,some have weird personality...they make our working day..

[i enjoyed my school,my home,my friends,my job.]

good night.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life Can Go On

js some updates about myself in these 2weeks.life's a lil tired and busy,but most of all,it's FUN!God has been healing and transforming me from the inside.im happy,that's He's always there for me whenever and wherever i turn around and say,"Daddy God,im tired." miraculously,He'll carry me up,put me on His shoulder and help me see things far,see things through,teach me the way back into His Way again.He's my GreatBigStrong Daddy,and because of Him,i find the meaning of getting my life on.o yea,decided to join the TouchYouthCamp,kinda nervous.i'l be going alone,without my sister,brother,or bestie.but...one thing i blif,God is getting me a new understanding of Him,a renewed relationship with Him,a new pure,loving,hatred-free,HEART.through all the rising oceans,thunders,and storms recently,i felt myself storing up alot of hatred in my heart.i've always feel so bad for putting those bitterness in my heart.i've been trying hard to forgive myself for doing bad to my beloveds.but,end up,wat i did is,i stored up more hatred.i feel bad that i've been treating some of my school friends bad lately.i put my anger on them,i rejected them.i always feel very regretful after doing so.last friday,bro confronted and brought this issue up.i cried whole night.with the accompany of mum,sis and bro.we talked it over.and i start to realize how much pains i've put on others.it's 3am,family went for bed.i sat alone,on my bed,telling Jesus im so sorry.i opened up my Bible,continue with my daily Scriptures reading.to my surprise,i read exactly wat i needed especially in 1Kings chapter8.i cant stop reading until my eyes got closed up themselves.haha.if you say God is no where,you're big wrong,He's here.if you say God is not real,you are also wrong,because the truth is He's here before you are,and even before the universe begin to operate.if you say God is nothing,He's no big deal,you're extremely wrong!God is REAL,God is HERE.He can heal your broken heart.He works miracle.dont blif?try it!

because of that single,ordinary,cooling night,im different now.im wearing a smile now,bringing a heart of love for people around me.GOD IS SO AWESOMELY GREAT!

i love you sweet Jesus,
i close my eyes,
lift my hands to worship You.
You're the love of my life,
no one else matters,in this world but You,
no one can take Your place in my Heart,
no one is like You.

cheer yourself up always,friends.
love you guys.

p/s: my SonyE is under maintenance.cant take pic :( but thanks God,a nokia is just right for me now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

separation,makes my heart ache so much.

im really sad.i dont know wat is the best way to express it out..heart tore off slowly from piece to pieces and to alot alot pieces.blood stopped bleeding.heart remains broken..i have struggled so much in making this decision. i asked myself a lot of times whether i made the right decision or not.at last,i come to the answer i think is the best for myself. although to you that answer ay be a little too selfish. i got to make the best decision for myself.i choose to stay not because i choose to dump you all, not because i do not love you all anymore. i love all of you. but im really very sad. after days and weeks of consideration,i've became so sensitive toward this issues.im very tired after all these hard works.

but of coz,besides all these sad things,we do have fun during the last day before church go out.we sang Negaraku!it's the first time for me to sing it in my service.everybody were very happy that time.after the service we went mamak to celebrate zi jun's birthday(:

service time

birthday celebration for the August babies

Sunday,2nd August
i woke up at 11.30 that day!wow...so late.i thought it was only 9am.hehe..den brushed up and rushed to PizzaHut.it's our last youth gathering.hannah jie ordered alot alot alot of pizzas.evyone there were super super very full..the pizza is yummy!
after pizza,went to Yiyi's house in Cheras to fetch Nic back to our home.hang there with family the whole evening.watched tv,took some rest,etc~
js woke up.ruth took a picture of me(:
dinner time with family.

tuesday, 4th August.
it's a fun day with family!tho a bit tiring.i dont have to go coffee beans today,have my off day.after school went Jusco with Aunty Vinnie,Debbie,Nic..ate a chocolate chips crispy chips.it's so so so so nice!love it alot..den mum called to ask wat time we'l be reaching home later.sis wanted to bring us to '糖水哥哥' for tong sui..cant wait to go home!so,half an-hour later we(Nic and i) reached home.sis brought us,including mummy out for tong sui.but not the 糖水哥哥 one,we went to 记得吃 instead.i ate a bowl of very delicious kiwi ice and paper wrapped chicken(: so so so FULL again..brought Coco out with us.she's very good girl this time,quietly sat on Nic's laps...
good girl on her way to tongsui with us.

i dont know that i got to pay for the tong sui i ate.mum and sis force me to clean the whole house with them.weather so hot,work so many,so san fu.... :p
mummy and sis cleaning and packing

i worked for them too,see my sweaty wet hair....
and den,after a few minutes,i sat there,rested,looking at them :p yeah!

wednesday,5th August.
school is okay today.did quite alot for my History and Geoography today.after school went for p&w practice for friday's chapel.before going there,Nic bought me my strawberry milk!(:* den watched the new 四叶草3 online..it's really nice!(: later at night going to church for practice for this saturday's service.pray that we'l work well with english dept band(:*