Tuesday, August 25, 2009


it's almost A MONTH i shop at all..it's really quite a big breakthrough.went shopping with sis in TimesSquare on Sunday and Monday,two whole days.was very very tired,but regained my energy.it's really happy seeing cheap and beautiful clothing there.bought quite alot.happy!!spent whole day shopping for Sunday.after shopping went yam-cha with Billy,Hong,and Yung.wow,it's really very tiring,i even jog around with them later at DesaParkCity.took quite alot of pictures with them.Yung is really funny.he's Billy's cousin,*i think* he's around 15,looks a little round.every words came out frm his mouth is 70% funny.can never hide my teeth with BIG SMILE from him.Monday went whole day shopping and karaoke.seriously,it's really seriously,i have not been two karaoke since six.Rm5 ONLY for karaoke+buffet lunch :D tmr going to a youth camp.very excited,cant wait for the Words of God through speakers and activities.


posted during shopping..

Desa Park City with friends



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