Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Life Can Go On

js some updates about myself in these 2weeks.life's a lil tired and busy,but most of all,it's FUN!God has been healing and transforming me from the inside.im happy,that's He's always there for me whenever and wherever i turn around and say,"Daddy God,im tired." miraculously,He'll carry me up,put me on His shoulder and help me see things far,see things through,teach me the way back into His Way again.He's my GreatBigStrong Daddy,and because of Him,i find the meaning of getting my life on.o yea,decided to join the TouchYouthCamp,kinda nervous.i'l be going alone,without my sister,brother,or bestie.but...one thing i blif,God is getting me a new understanding of Him,a renewed relationship with Him,a new pure,loving,hatred-free,HEART.through all the rising oceans,thunders,and storms recently,i felt myself storing up alot of hatred in my heart.i've always feel so bad for putting those bitterness in my heart.i've been trying hard to forgive myself for doing bad to my beloveds.but,end up,wat i did is,i stored up more hatred.i feel bad that i've been treating some of my school friends bad lately.i put my anger on them,i rejected them.i always feel very regretful after doing so.last friday,bro confronted and brought this issue up.i cried whole night.with the accompany of mum,sis and bro.we talked it over.and i start to realize how much pains i've put on others.it's 3am,family went for bed.i sat alone,on my bed,telling Jesus im so sorry.i opened up my Bible,continue with my daily Scriptures reading.to my surprise,i read exactly wat i needed especially in 1Kings chapter8.i cant stop reading until my eyes got closed up themselves.haha.if you say God is no where,you're big wrong,He's here.if you say God is not real,you are also wrong,because the truth is He's here before you are,and even before the universe begin to operate.if you say God is nothing,He's no big deal,you're extremely wrong!God is REAL,God is HERE.He can heal your broken heart.He works miracle.dont blif?try it!

because of that single,ordinary,cooling night,im different now.im wearing a smile now,bringing a heart of love for people around me.GOD IS SO AWESOMELY GREAT!

i love you sweet Jesus,
i close my eyes,
lift my hands to worship You.
You're the love of my life,
no one else matters,in this world but You,
no one can take Your place in my Heart,
no one is like You.

cheer yourself up always,friends.
love you guys.

p/s: my SonyE is under maintenance.cant take pic :( but thanks God,a nokia is just right for me now.

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